Things are easier said than done, or so the old adage goes, and we couldn't agree more. That's why we do The GOOD 30-Day Challenge (#30DaysofGOOD), a monthly attempt to live better. Our challenge for June? Make your own meals.
Food waste is a bummer for your budget and the world. That’s why any little trick you can find to keep your produce from going limp is key. Your task today is not just to buy kale, but to keep it from wasting away in your salad drawer until you’re forced to trash it. Kale may be the highly nutritious vegetable du jour, but that doesn’t mean people treat it right. It goes from crunchy and vivacious to flimsy and jaundiced in a matter of days.
Within a day of buying a bunch or two of kale, wash it thoroughly and prepare it for eating. You’ll need a large mixing bowl, a salad spinner, a large food container, a knife, and a cutting board. Chop off the bottom stems (save them for stock or discard), then tear the leaves away from the remaining rib, one-by-one. Place the leaves in the bowl and cover them with water. Wash the greens well by pressing and rubbing them under the water. Let sit for a minute or so, then strain. Place your kale leaves in your spinner and spin until dry. Finally, rip the leaves into bite-sized pieces and store them in your container, closing the lid tight. Your kale will keep much crisper this way, for as long as five days.
Use it in salads or try out my lemon-rubbed kaleslaw recipe (which is pretty awesome, if I do say so myself). And if you find yourself in a race against time, don't fear. If you’ve got some kale that’s about to go bad, simply sauté it for several minutes in a mix of olive oil, vegetable stock, garlic, and tamari. It’s good stuff.
We're giving away $500 for you to unite your community and "Make More Meals" from locally-sourced foods. Participate in our Share a GOOD Recipe challenge.
Photo via (cc) Flickr user Kari Sullivan