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Making Lemonade into LemonAid

A new organic lemonade supports social causes when you drink it.

What are the ingredients in German-made LemonAid? In it you will find every buzz word of the moment—organic, fair-trade, sugar-cane, cooperative farms, NGO, developing countries. The founders of LemonAid started by mixing homemade lemonade in their kitchen in Hamburg in response to a simple question: why can you buy lemonade at stands and at beaches all over the world but it never tastes the same in a bottle.

After many attempts, they discovered the "just right" mix of fresh squeezed lime and lemon juice mixed with sugar cane and water. And they went a step further. Every ingredient in LemonAid is backed by a Fairtrade deal. The organic juice comes from a farming cooperative in Brazil and the sugar cane is from Paraguay. A portion of profits is donated to help grass roots projects in both of those countries that supply the ingredients.

Not just the concept of LemonAid is smart, but so is the simple packaging and tag line that says what it does: drinking helps.