The clothing industry has been trying to virtualize the fitting process for years now. It’s not easy. Nothing beats the simple act of going to a store and trying on a garment in a dressing room. But companies keep trying to find another way. Styku, for example, started as an effort to provide body scan measurements for clothing. Measurements would help construct an avatar of your body, which virtual clothing would drape over, to get a sense of fit. It hasn’t really caught on, and the company has shifted its focus to fitness and medical pursuits.
Now staff and students at Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s Institute of Textiles and Clothing have approached the subject by way of the dress form, creating i.Dummy, a “smart mannequin.” Gathering worldwide measurement data using a 3D body scanner, it can change its proportions to accommodate a large range of clothing sizes and shapes. i.Dummy was acquired by Winswin Technology, which will manufacture and market the mannequin.