Isis King, Aydian Dowling, Carmen Carrera: just a few of America’s most famous transgender models that have since become household names (well, some households). While trans models have been tearing up the runway for years now, Thailand-based Apple Model Management recently decided to take the movement into the future. Sometime in the next few months, Apple Model will open a branch in Los Angeles, and become the world’s first ever modeling agency to feature exclusively transgender models.
Apple Model has been featuring trans, as well as cisgender, models in Thailand for years now, but the Los Angeles branch will focus solely on the trans population. Cecilio Asuncion, the company’s Los Angeles director, told The Advocate: “We see trans individuals as beautiful … Our strong commitment to developing them as successful models is never about quantifying or qualifying their gender. It's never a question of if they are women or men, it's about their passion and commitment to being the best possible models they can be.” Asuncion previously produced the documentary, What’s the T, emphasizing the role of transgender models throughout history. According to Asuncion, transgender modeling has had a long history in this country—and it’s time for our culture to learn all about it.
There are six transgender models currently on the roster, and the agency is excited to hire more. You can learn more about Apple Model Management and their models here.
(Via: The Advocate)