Michelle Obama just gave her first speech since stepping down as first lady. And with polls showing she remains an incredibly popular figure, some were hoping she’d use the stage to announce her own foray into politics.
Senate? Sure, we’d take it.
President? Yes, please.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t sound like we’ll have Michelle to save us.
During her Orlando speech, Obama told attendees she wouldn’t run for public office for family reasons, saying she “wouldn't ask my children to do this again.”
“It’s all well and good until you start running, and then the knives come out,” she said in her remarks. “I wouldn’t ask my children to do this again because, when you run for higher office, it’s not just you, it’s your whole family.”
She told the crowd at the annual conference of the American Institute of Architects that she and Barack have been slowly adjusting back to their former lives as private citizens.
“It’s good to get out of the house,” she joked. “It’s good to not have the weight of the world upon your shoulders.”
However, she also promised to continue working on issues she cares about, albeit without the pressure of hitting the campaign trail or dealing with half the country that "thought I was the devil.”
“One issue that I am excited about continuing to work on is … to help young girls get an education around the world,” she said. “The plight of women and girls is real. The struggles are real.”