For our mini-Project today, we asked for your 140-character reviews of summer books, and you delivered.
Apparently, people do still read books. Have a look at a selection of the responses below.
From Nanette Bulebosh
@GOOD My bk review: Bruce Watson's 'Freedom Summer' tells of students' amazing courage registering Miss. voters in 1964. Quite inspiring.
Freedom Summer, by Bruce Watson
From Kristiina Ruuskanen
@GOOD Trouble holding on to love?Treat yourself w perspective:No deeper commitment than to love a maybe existing person
The Time Traveler's Wife, by Audrey Niffenegger
From Abby Moriah
@GOOD The thesis is exactly this project. The influence of friends and friends' friends in our networks. Too meta?
Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives, by Nicholas A. Christakis and James H. Fowler
From DJ Premvaree
@GOOD Vivid, heart-wrenching & awe-inspiring account of NYT journalist in IQ & AF. War, what is it good for? Sigh...
The Forever War, by Dexter Filkins
From Elissa Yost
@GOOD Gravedigging giants and dwarfs A redemption and adventure story in one, a boy finds out the truth about his past.
The Good Thief, by Hannah Tinti
From Jan-Michael Sacharko
@GOOD A. gr8t look @Lincoln thru writing & meaning behind words. Recommend 2 see why/how he wrote based on experience
A. Lincoln: A Biography, by Ronald C. White
From Sharon Browning
Mother’s a washing machine, father’s a mountain? Neighbor has wings? Amazingly, it works. Don’t believe me? Read the dang book! Freaky good.
Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town, by Cory Doctorow
From Alex Meloutas
Start 2 finish this book left me smarter. Filled with fact and what I assume must be some fiction; History made real with wit! read it!
A Short History of Nearly Everything, by Bill Bryson
From Dan Nelson
1984. Stocks and Bonds. Bulls and Bears. Cheaters and Liars. Rise and Fall. 2010. A passionate and timeless read.
Liar's Poker, by Michael Lewis
From André Laurentino
Brooklyn, by Colm Toibin, is also Brooklyn by a girl living in no woman's land, which is her tentative shaky self.
Brooklyn, by Colm Toibin
From Aaron Golbeck
Unpretentious 4 a Stanford Fellow. Not afraid to be accessible. Unflinchingly realistic ghost story goes deep & silly
Alive in Necropolis, by Doug Dorst
From Tricia Sweeney
Lip-smackingly lush, smoky, breezy and non-committal. Dip in and dip out for divinely inspired tidbits that will be the muse to your senses
A Natural History of the Senses, by Diane Ackerman
From Lauren
Sentences you want to keep reading, vivid prose that brings a past to life in all its beauty and heartbreak.
The Invisible Bridge, by Julie Orringer
From Tamara Linse
Wizard smokes, trolls nab, elves sing, goblins snatch, Precious riddles, eagles fly, spiders pinch, elves foiled, dragon spies, armies clash, there & back again.
The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien
From Jaime Starling
1889 Dutch dandy pens family drama set in The Hague that Jane Austen fans would devour but we had to wait until 2010 for it in English! OMG!
Eline Vere, by Louis Couperus
From Jaime Green
How could anyone say that nothing happens over the course of one fifteen-year-old boy's summer? That's when EVERYTHING happens.
Sag Harbor, by Colson Whitehead
From Jonathan Motz
Nothing short of hilarious!! With a father whose honesty knows no bounds, the parenting will make you LOL & cringe. It’s a colorful, new flavor of parenting.
Sh*t My Dad Says, by Justin Halpern
From Rachel Hiles
Mrs. Ramsay's sad beauty, a misdrawn tree, an alien floral bouquet, a lost brooch, that unattainable lighthouse. Afraid of her no longer.
To the Lighthouse, by Virginia Woolf
From Shelby Sapusek
You've read her diary. Now read it from caretaker's point of view. Insightful, poignant, even witty w/exclusive pics.
Anne Frank Remembered: The Story of the Woman Who Helped to Hide the Frank Family, by Miep Gies
From Jowanza Joseph
Time isn't just a scarce resource it can be managed in a linear manner The redefinition of the checklist convincing anecdotes from a surgeon.
The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right, by Atul Gawande