As the U.S. approaches the one-month anniversary of the Parkland shooting, activism to enable stricter gun control laws has reached a fever pitch, most recently with a Colorado Capitol building takeover by Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. To make their voices heard at the literal doorstep of state legislators, 400 members of the organization’s Colorado chapter occupied the building with signs and peaceful protests, in much the same way student activism has taken shape in new ways since the Feb. 14 tragedy.
One participating member, Jen Clenahan, declared to the Huffington Post that the moms themselves are taking their cues from the student activists, saying, "The kids are taking the lead. They're not just grieving; they're angry.”
Buoying their unified voice were the visuals of the 400+ activists occupying the halls of the state’s legislature.
While their numbers are impressive, the overarching Moms Demand Action organization has demonstrated in its Twitter feed that similarly-timed protests may have garnered even larger turnouts, all helping the cause of gun control.
To add to these admittedly impressive turnouts, visit the event page at Moms Demand Action.