They’ve taken us to the moon; built telescopes that take us into the far reaches of space; and sent rovers crawling all over Mars. Because NASA scientists are legitimate geniuses, they’ve devised a plan to cross another bold horizon by combining two of the world’s favorite things: space exploration and super-relatable GIFs. This development shouldn’t come as a huge surprise if you follow any one of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s truly inspiring social media accounts. Take its Twitter profile for example. With an audience of 20.4 million, NASA has nearly twice as many followers as Barack Obama and about five times as many followers as the founder of Twitter itself. And if space tweets aren’t your thing, NASA’s Tumblr features some great images—both old school and new—as does its Instagram. So it’s only natural that they’d move into GIF territory and blow us all away in the process.
Keep scrolling for your ultimate NASA GIF starter pack.