You've heard that Canada's Parliament is going haywire but you're fuzzy on the details. Read this, and understand.This nice piece of animation looks at the proliferation of Iranian blogs.The math puzzles us, but the Minneapolis Star Tribune says that Al Franken may win his Senate race.Andrew Sullivan weighs in on Milk, using it to probe a dichotomy between members of the gay community and the rest of the world.The worlds most famous amnesiac passed away on Tuesday evening at the age of 82.A picture taken around 1900 provides proof that the oldest living animal is Jonathan, a 176-year-old tortoise.From the GOOD Community: 2beanornot2bean shows off a piece of new mixed-media art.(Photo: A town outside of Barcelona, called Santa Coloma de Gramenet, outfitted its cemetery with a fleet of solar panels. Via Pruned.)
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