Carrotmob held another successful reverse boycott-this time in Brooklyn. We're big fans.A Dutch cafe installs a novel, energy-generating revolving door. The rest of the world's revolving doors continue to sit out the fight against fossil fuels.A struggling musician was banned from selling his soul on E-bay. He had hoped to make a few hundred thousand pounds to get his experimental rock group, Paradigm, off the ground.Inscrutable has designed an LED-illuminated umbrella. The kicker: It's powered by rain. Via Inhabitat.Queen Elizabeth II has decreed that "all lights at Buckingham Palace must be turned off when rooms are empty" and "leftover food from royal banquets must be reused."From the GOOD Community: rebeccazdftwzorg puts out a call for donations to put an Indonesian family in a new domed home.(Photo: A new work by Mr. Brainwash in Los Angeles courtesy of Unurth.)
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