Obama is meeting with Al Gore in Chicago today. Did somebody say, "climate czar?" Or was it, "carbon tax?"Speaking of a carbon tax, a New Scientist editor penned an open letter to Obama in support of that scheme over cap-and-trade programs.Montana becomes the third state to allow doctor-assisted suicide.The Los Angeles Timesreports on L.A.'s new green business certification program. Looks good. And it's got funding.Green-Wood Cemetery, the sprawling final resting place of many New York luminaries, has quietly amassed a hefty art collection of works by the more than 200 artists buried there.From the GOOD Community: scarlet gives some love to the non-profit Human Defense Initiative, which is kicking off its first program "Kid Launch" this month.(Image: "I Got You Something," a collage of Facebook gifts, by Arend deGruyter-Helfer)
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