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Neighborhood Watch: Tuesday, Jan. 13

In today's New York Times, Steven Pinker gets his genome sequenced and wrestles with the information therein. He chooses not to learn whether he has the APOE gene, for example, which triples one's risk of developing Alzheimers.The Wall Street Journalsays that "Barack Obama and congressional leaders plan to move soon to block the estate tax from disappearing in 2010."LAist reports that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled in favor of Los Angeles' 2002 ban on most new billboards. Score one for the aesthetic commons. Via PSFK.Roger Ebert tells the story of an encounter with Mickey Rourke, Faye Dunaway, and Charles Bukowski on the set of Barfly (1987). Via Coudal.Slate reviews Bill McKibben's new book American Earth: Environmental Writing Since Thoreau.An Italian union is advocating the boycott of Jewish shops because of the Gaza violence. No no no no no. This seems like ethnic discrimination combined with a counterproductive impulse to retaliate.From the GOOD Community: Looking for work? Noella found a dream job available in Australia: Feed fish. Live on an Great Barrier Reef island off the coast of Australia. $150,000 for six months.(Image: "going to the super market with mom" by McBess. Courtesy of the artist.)