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Neighborhood Watch: Wednesday, Dec. 17

Looking for an alternative to Christmas? Today begins the traditional Roman festival of Saturnalia. Celebrate by drinking, gambling, or swapping social status with a superior or subordinate. A "treasure trove" of exotic new species-including a pink, cyanide-producing millipede-have been discovered in..

Looking for an alternative to Christmas? Today begins the traditional Roman festival of Saturnalia. Celebrate by drinking, gambling, or swapping social status with a superior or subordinate.A "treasure trove" of exotic new species-including a pink, cyanide-producing millipede-have been discovered in the Mekong Delta in recent years. CNN has a photo gallery.Governor of New York David Paterson unveils a proposed budget for his state, which includes a so-called "iPod tax" on digital music.Barack Obama named Time magazine's "Person of the Year." Shocker!Obama's Secretary of Energy Steven Chu's extreme dream for energy independence: synthetic plants. (Via 3 Quarks Daily)Watch this well-conceived animation--just click on it and watch it--and $0.25 will be donated to multiple sclerosis research.From the GOOD Community: KateAndrews introduces us to FuturePresent, an initiative spearheaded by U.K. design firm Represent to find sustainable ways to wrap a Christmas gift.(Photo: "Saturnalia" by Italian sculptor Ernesto Biondi, from Flickr user Concepciones Relativistas.)