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French Design Studio Has Created a Recyclable House

The price doesn’t include the cost of the screwdriver.

A French design studio has taken the Ikea concept of home furnishings a step further and built an entire house that can be constructed with a simple screwdriver. While the average home takes six months to build, the PopUp house’s frame can be built in a week. It’s made from recyclable materials, including treated lumber, insulation blocks, and wood screws. Plus, it has an awesome customizable mid-century modern design, and, compared to most houses, it’s affordable.

The model in the video is 1,600 square feet, has two bathrooms, an office, three bedrooms, and an open living space. Being that the homes’ construction costs range $1,200 to $1,900 per square meter, this home would cost you between $177,000 and $281,000. The price doesn’t include paying your buddy in beer to help build the thing or the cost of the one screwdriver.

No word on whether that one required screwdriver is a Phillips, flathead, or one of those terrible Ikea models that hurts your knuckles. PopUp houses are available only in France, but they’ll soon be expanding to the U.K. and the United States.