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Northshire Bookstore Tries On-demand Printing

Last year, The Northshire Bookstore, in Vermont, became the first independent bookstore to get a first-generation Espresso on-demand book printing...

Last year, The Northshire Bookstore, in Vermont, became the first independent bookstore to get a first-generation Espresso on-demand book printing machine. The Espresso allows the store to access books online and print library-quality paperbacks for customers on site in minutes. This lets the store compete with online retailers on selection and surpass them in speediness of delivery, all while saving on transportation costs. And Northshire has seen an unexpected interest from local amateur authors who want to print small runs of their own writing.Observers are following the experiment with interest to see if it represents a way forward for small booksellers. So far the Espresso is "on the cusp" of working out financially for Northshire. Of course, whether the Kindle just renders the physical book obsolete in the near future remains to be seen.More on the experiment at Northshire Bookstore-and a video of the Espresso-here.Via Ron Silliman.