In 1966, America’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a landmark study that said a gun in the home does not make everyone safer.
This study contradicted one of the National Rifle Association’s (NRA) major talking points, so it successfully lobbied to ban the CDC from researching the public health effects of gun violence. The ban is still in effect to this day.
On October 30, Annals of Internal Medicine released a report by members of the American College of Physicians that stated: “Firearm violence continues to be a public health crisis in the United States that requires the nation’s immediate attention.”
The NRA responded to the report with a tweet that pushed back against the 154,000-member strong doctors’ group, telling them to “stay in their lane.”
Someone should tell self-important anti-gun doctors to stay in their lane. Half of the articles in Annals of Internal Medicine are pushing for gun control. Most upsetting, however, the medical community seems to have consulted NO ONE but themselves.
— NRA (@NRA) November 7, 2018
Healthcare workers responded with countless tweets of bloody ER rooms and gunshot wounds under #stayinmylane and #thisismylane proving they’re not only qualified to talk about gun violence, but they’re on the front lines of the epidtemic.
Bullet I took out of a 6 month old’s brain. @NRA you created my lane! #stayinmylane #ThisISMyLane #GunControlNow #Docs4GunSense
— Mahua Dey (@Goru78) November 12, 2018
.@NRA says docs should “stay in [our] lane.
— Stephanie Bonne (@scrubbedin) November 9, 2018
My lane is a pregnant woman shot in a moment of rage by her partner. She survived because the baby stopped the bullet. Have you ever had to deliver a shattered baby? #ThisisMyLane . What’s yours? #Docs4GunSense
Hey @NRA ! Wanna see my lane? Here’s the chair I sit in when I tell parents their kids are dead. How dare you tell me I can’t research evidence based solutions. #ThisISMyLane #ThisIsOurLane #thequietroom
— Stephanie Bonne (@scrubbedin) November 9, 2018
This is what your masters have you defend, like the obedient lapdog you are. Do you think your kids look up to you, or are they embarrassed to share your name? #StayInYourLane
— Snarquebus (@BarackDaVote) November 10, 2018
Can’t post a patient photo.... so this is a selfie.
— Dave Morris (@traumadmo) November 10, 2018
This is what it looks like to #stayinmylane. @NRA @JosephSakran
I'm not a phsician, but I work alongside them - and this is #MyLane. If over HALF of the experts in the medical community - using peer-reviewed, empirically evidence-based science in Annals of Internal Medicine - make any kind of claim, you'd better accept it for what it is.
— Jon Gaddis (@Jongaddis) November 12, 2018
I am a trauma surgeon. This is what it looks like. #StayInMyLane #ThisisMyLane
— Kathrine Holte, MD, DMSc (@kathrineholte) November 10, 2018
Dear @NRA,
— Dr. Shadowgazer (@DShadowgazer) November 10, 2018
Even radiologists, who most people don’t really think of as clinical doctors, are heavily involved in planning and treatment of gunshot wounds. Not only is it our lane, but it’s everyone’s lane to try and solve this
Dear @NRA,
— DrWolfe_Forensics (@DrWolfeMD) November 10, 2018
This is what a GSW to the heart looks like. This is not survivable. This could be the heart of anyone; man or woman, the innocent or the guilty, young or old, the god-fearing or the secular.
But no matter who it is, it’s preventable. That’s why we speak.#ThisISMyLane
Good morning! Just a reminder @NRA : #ThisISMyLane #ThisISOurLane . She didn’t make it.
— Stephanie Bonne (@scrubbedin) November 10, 2018
#ThisISMyLane #ThisISOurLane @NRA @DocsDemand @MomsDemand This is what the floor looked like after his chest tube for his giant hemothorax. He locked eyes with me and pleaded, "Doc, don't let me die." Enough is enough.
— Doc (@drscubs) November 10, 2018
@NRA, if #GunViolence wasn’t my lane, my shoes wouldn’t look like this. #ThisIsMyLane #EndGunViolence #TraumaShoes #TraumaSurgery @EAST_TRAUMA @traumadoctors @ACSTrauma @hopkinssurgery @MomsDemand @DocsDemand
— Reema Kar (@DrReemaKar) November 10, 2018
Hey @NRA, #ThisISMyLane #ThisIsOurLane #thisiseveryoneslane Nobody loses, nobody's rights are infringed, if we end senseless violent death.
— Nicholas Namias (@NicholasNamias) November 13, 2018
I don’t recall any @NRA members saving my son after a bullet entered his head. A pediatric neurosurgeon removed the shattered bone fragments & part of his brain while a pediatric ophthalmologist removed his right eye. THEY saved his life! FU NRA!! #ThisISMyLane #ThisISTheirLane
— Haley Rinehart (@hprinehart) November 14, 2018
For a devastating avalanche of tweets from medical professionals that should be read into the Congressional Record, see #ThisIsMyLane and #MyLaneLooksLIkeThis.
— Paul Lieberman (@PaulLieberman4) November 12, 2018