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The NRA told doctors to 'stay in their lane' and they responded with chilling photos to prove they belong in the gun debate.

WARNING: Graphic content.

In 1966, America’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a landmark study that said a gun in the home does not make everyone safer.

This study contradicted one of the National Rifle Association’s (NRA) major talking points, so it successfully lobbied to ban the CDC from researching the public health effects of gun violence. The ban is still in effect to this day.

On October 30, Annals of Internal Medicine released a report by members of the American College of Physicians that stated: “Firearm violence continues to be a public health crisis in the United States that requires the nation’s immediate attention.”

The NRA responded to the report with a tweet that pushed back against the 154,000-member strong doctors’ group, telling them to “stay in their lane.”

Healthcare workers responded with countless tweets of bloody ER rooms and gunshot wounds under #stayinmylane and #thisismylane proving they’re not only qualified to talk about gun violence, but they’re on the front lines of the epidtemic.