We've been following One Day On Earth, a global effort to "record the human experience over a 24-hour period," since late this summer. On October 10, 2010, the project collected thousands of videos from people in every country in the world in the largest participatory media event in history. Those videos, which cover everything from average Midwestern suburban life to a military parade celebrating the 65th anniversary of the North Korean Workers Party, are now available online via One Day On Earth's Global Video Map. The map is easy to navigate and is, as empirical evidence shows, an incredibly moving and entertaining way to suddenly lose large chunks of your day. Here's One Day On Earth's trailer for the map.
The archived video footage is currently being cut into a feature documentary to be released in fall 2011. And don't worry if you didn't submit back in October—One Day On Earth is already gearing up for November 11, 2011.