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High School Diploma Printing Error Reminds Us To Always Double Check Our Work

Not how they planned to remember their big day.

To graduate from high school you have to meet certain basic requirements that include reading, writing and, of course, spelling.

So, the 550 graduates from Ontario High School in Southern California could be forgiven for being a little shocked when they realized their diplomas contained an embarrassing typo. The “printing error,” as the school later called it, misspelled school as “shcool” on the red diploma covers.

“The misspelling was a printing error made by the grad products company," Chaffey Joint Union High School District Superintendent Mathew Holton wrote in a statement to KTLA, which first broke the story.

The school promised that each student will be given a new diploma cover - and an apology letter - but that didn’t stop social media from having some fun with the error.