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Organizations are Awesome: On College Campuses, CoFed Replaces Fast Food with Good Food

Research shows that fast food can cause cognitive difficulties that result in lower test scores. So why are college campuses serving it? Enter CoFed.

Last summer we told you about Yonatan Landau, who, as a UC Berkeley undergrad, was successful in mobilizing students to prevent the opening of a Panda Express on campus. Victory led to bigger goals, and Landau went on to co-found CoFed, which trains students to create ethically-sourced, community-run foodservice on college campuses. The youth-led organization has just launched national programs that will incubate student leadership on 20 campuses this summer to create edible classrooms educating their peers about sustainable food.

This effort takes more than good intentions and hard work, though. It also requires funding. CoFed has committed the month of March to finding 100 people to give monthly donations for 10 months as a part of their strategy to create a national movement for cooperative, sustainable food. Take your inspiration from the organizations' core supporters who include Michael Pollan,'s Bill McKibben, Slow Food USA's Josh Viertel, and Slow Money Northern California. Can you help? Just $10 a month will support a student’s tuition to a summer-long incubation training; for $100 a month, Landau will even write and record a song for you.