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Our Top Six Play-Themed Infographics

This month on, we are focusing on the topic of play. From vacations to fantasy sports, our archive of GOOD infographics explores how...

This month on, we are focusing on the topic of play. From vacations to fantasy sports, our archive of GOOD infographics explores how play can fit into our lives. Check out the above infographic by Michael Newhouse to see when your next day off is so you can devote a day to play.

How Work Meets Play

Life and work are blending and complementing each other and technology is helping that along. Work is no longer relegated to one place; the office has gone mobile, making distance no factor in accomplishing tasks. Work is becoming flexible and habits are changing. Americans multitask as time is carved out for both work and play. Take a look to see how Americans are spending their vacation time and staying connected across the globe.

Produced by GOOD and Jenny Ji with the support of Marriott Hotels & Resorts®

The Rise of Foot Powered Commutes

It's sunny out, and you may be seeing more people out on the street walking and biking. But it's not just because the weather is nice. There are more people walking and biking year round, and the Department of Transportation is responding by dramatically increasing the amount of money spent on projects for pedestrians and cyclists. This is a look at the rise of foot-powered travel in America.

A collaboration between GOOD and Part & Parcel.

What Colleges Offer the Most Space to Roam?

When students choose a college, they usually consider class sizes or the school's ratio of students to faculty. We thought we'd examine something a little different, by looking at the top 10 campuses that offer the most in the way of open air space. While there is much to be said of class time, these schools have at their disposal the most acreage in terms of freedom to explore, spread out, and possibly even get a little lost along the way.

A collaboration with Design Language

How Fantasy Sports Play a Role in Our Economy

A collaboration between GOOD and Column Five

By every metric imaginable, fantasy sports are growing fast. Take a look at how your 20-buck-a-head league fits into a $4.5 billion worldwide economy.

What Countries Offer the Most Vacation Days?

Did you take a vacation this summer? If you did, it was because your company generously allowed you a few paid vacation days. Unlike businesses in these other countries, U.S. companies are not required to give employees time off. Despite working some of the longest hours in the world, we take very little vacation. No wonder you're feeling burnt out and need to take a play break.

A collaboration between GOOD and Amanda Buck

Take time out to play. Join the GOOD community in Organizing an Office Recess—and to create your own game. Click here to say you'll DO it.