Today, we paid attention to little else than the tragic crisis in Japan.
Here's an incredibly informative infographic about how a reactor shuts down, and what happens in a meltdown.
The Union of Concerned Scientists warns that if a full core meltdown at Fukushima were to occur (still, thankfully, a worst case scenario), the radiation plume could reach Tokyo.
Joshua Hatch at the Sunlight Foundation mashed up the map that I've been waiting for: American nuclear reactors and areas of high seismic risk.
Fewer Americans are worried about climate change than any time since 1998.
Coming tomorrow: a slideshow of things you can buy—posters, t-shirts, desserts, and so on—and support relief efforts in Japan. (For the folks out there that need that little extra nudge to give).
Overload is a daily round-up of what we're reading at GOOD Environment HQ.