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Overload: Don't Talk About the Dead Dolphins, and More

Dead dolphin gag order, MIT's faux-tosynthesis solar breakthrough, and more in today's roundup from GOOD Environment HQ.

Don't you dare talk about the dead dolphins washing ashore in Alabama and Mississippi.

The smarties at MIT have really done it this time: an artificial leaf that powers a house by fake photosynthesis. (More tomorrow.)

Stanford scientists, trying to keep up, build a battery that runs on mixing fresh and salt water.

Odds are, your belief in global warming has a lot to do with how warm it is that day. (Well, maybe not you.)

How are Greenland's glaciers warming? It's not just the air.

This ain't at all environment related, but the first review of The Pale King (I think it's the first) gave me goosebumps.

Overload is a daily round-up of what we're reading at GOOD Environment HQ.