It's that time of year again. Time to transform our cities' endless parking spaces into fun public parks. This Friday, friends, is Park(ing) Day 2010.
If you're not familiar with the event, Park(ing) Day was started in 2005 when a design firm called Rebar paid for a single metered parking space in a desolate part of San Francisco and turned it into a public park with sod, a bench, and a potted tree. The goal was to call attention to the need for more urban space that's designed for humans, not cars.
In the years since, Park(ing) Day has grown in leaps and bounds. In 2009, there were more than 700 temporary parks set up in 140 cities. Find out how to participate at the Park(ing) Day site or check out pictures of previous Park(ing) Days at Flickr.
Photo (cc) by Flickr user stevendepolo