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Tumblr Blog Compiles The Regretful Tweets Of Trump Voters

There’s a lot of buyer’s remorse happening already.

There’s a growing group of Americans who regret having voted for Donald Trump. One has to wonder what these people were expecting. On the campaign trail, Trump flip-flopped on most of the major issues, including abortion, immigration, his relationship with Vladimir Putin, a Muslim ban, defeating ISIS, the minimum wage, taxes, climate change, the Iraq war, the KKK, and nuclear proliferation. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that he’d change course on most of his policies after being elected.

A Tumblr user has compiled the tweets of Trump supporters who are beginning to rethink their decision on a blog called Trumgrets. The blog gives Trump detractors some post-election solace and the joy of mumbling, “I told you so,” to themselves as they scroll.

Trump made a huge campaign promise to “drain the swamp” of Washington special interest groups and lobbyists after being elected. But the moment he was elected, Trump began stocking the swamp with Washington insiders and chose 17-year Goldman Sachs vet, Steven Mnuchin as Secretary of Treasury.

As eager as the Democrats have been to give people health care, Republican Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, has been trying to take it away. Reports show that Trump may turn Medicare into a voucher system, greatly reducing healthcare coverage for America’s seniors and the disabled.

Trump accepted a call from Taiwan’s Tsai Ing-wen, breaking a 37-year diplomatic silence and riling Chinese leaders.

Trump has gone back on his promise to prosecute former Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton.

Some people really thought he was going to build a wall and Mexico would pay for it.

And some Trump supporters are just feeling general regret for supporting him.