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Flight Crew Puts On Special Light Show For Women’s March Protesters Heading To D.C.

“Everyone knew exactly why they were cheering.”

As Inauguration Day ceremonies wind down and the small crowds in attendance head home, hundreds of thousands of women and men are beginning their journeys to the nation’s capital for the Women’s March on Washington. In defiance of Trump’s outright defense of sexual assault, bigotry, and vitriol, marchers will unite across the country on Saturday to fight for women’s rights and human decency. One Southwest flight crew did their part to show support for this mission by setting the lights on the plane to bright pink for a group of marchers headed to D.C. on Thursday.

Instagram user Krystal Parrish documented the unexpected show of support, writing, “When your Southwest flight crew celebrate a plane full of kickass women and men going to the Women’s March by lighting it up #lit #womensmarchonwashington #lovetrumpshate.”

According to NBC New York, Southwest Airlines didn’t plan on implementing specific lighting across all flights, but acknowledged that individual crews often adjust the lighting to accommodate passengers’ needs. In a statement, Southwest representatives said,

“Some of our aircraft are equipped with mood lighting and while this was not a company-wide initiative, at times, our flight crews will adjust the lighting for a customer or group of customers traveling on their flight. For example, in October, one of our Flight Crews changed the lighting to honor a breast cancer survivor on board their flight.”

Passenger Jennifer Moran was pleasantly surprised by the display of solidarity, telling NBC, “It was unexpected and unannounced. There was no announcement explicitly from the staff and no one screamed this is for the March. Nothing, just spontaneous and everyone knew exactly why they were cheering.”