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Planes, Trains, and Architecture: Transportation's Most Stunning Structures

Get on the road and discover the beautiful buildings that house planes, trains and automobiles.

Between Facebook, Twitter, online streaming, and even 2-Day Shipping, it’s easy to feel like all earthly boundaries and impediments—time, space, geographic features, inconvenience—have been finally transgressed. But your morning commute would very quickly tear you away from any such delusions. Despite all our finger-swiping savvy and invisible cloud infrastructures, we have yet to achieve similar powers of apparition/disapparition that would instantly propel our bodies from place to place. Meaning, there’s still very much a need for planes, trains, and automobiles—and all the architecture that corresponds to each.

These are the finalist from the A+ “Transportation” typology. We’re not only talking airports and bus/train stations here, but also parking structures, port facilities, and boat piers, too. So grab your passport and take advantage of one of these transpiration hubs. Spot a favorite? Make sure to vote for it over at the A+ Public Voting site.


Bodrum International Airport

Tabanlioglu Architects

Bodrum, Turkey

Carrasco International Airport
Rafael Vinoly Architects

Montevideo, Uruguay

San Francisco International Airport Transit 2


San Francisco, California


Bus station Osijek

Rechner Architects

Osijek, Croatia

Rest stops

J. Mayer H. Architects

Gori, Georgia

The Yardmasters Building
McBride Charles Ryan

Melbourne, Australia


Bicycle station ICE Bahnhof Erfurt

Osterwold°Schmidt EXPANDER

Erfurt, Germany

Chesapeake Car Park One

Elliott + Associates

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Enlighten your light


Bolzano, Italy

UC Davis Medical Center Parking Structure III

Dreyfuss & Blackford

Sacramento, California

UNI Multimodal Transportation Facility
Substance Architecture
Cedar Falls, Iowa


Development of Cruise Terminal Extension Project

Martín Lejarraga arquitecto

Cartagena, Spain

Guertin Boatport

5468796 Architecture

Storm Bay, Canada

Marine Company 01

CR Studio Architects, PC

New York

Pavillon Alpenquai
Cometti Truffer Architects

Zug, Switzerland
This post is part of the GOOD community's 50 Building Blocks of Citizenship—weekly steps to being an active, engaged global citizen. This week: Get a Passport. Follow along and join the conversation at and on Twitter at #goodcitizen.