Since Donald Trump was elected as President, over 200,000 donations have been made to Planned Parenthood—with more than 46,000 of them made in Mike Pence’s honor.
But what does that mean?
For one, it means that Mike Pence—fervent abortion, LGBTQ, and transgender rights opponent—will be receiving over 46,000 thank-you notes in the mail.
The future holds a lot of uncertainty for women’s health care and reproductive rights, as evidenced by a letter Trump addressed to anti-abortion leaders. Trump spells out what his administration would do about abortions in this letter: nominate pro-life justices; sign the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act into law; defund Planned Parenthood; and make the Hyde Amendment permanent.
A lot is at stake. Donating to Planned Parenthood will empower the nonprofit to keep providing healthcare services and information regarding unintended pregnancies, birth control, men’s and women’s health care, LGBTQ services, pregnancy tests and services, sexually transmitted disease testing, and treatments and vaccines.
If that hasn’t sold you yet, researchers at the University of Oregon have found that donating to a worthy cause triggers neural activity in a region of the brain that is connected to a rewarding experience—which is the reason giving feels so oddly satisfying. Want to feel that warm, fuzzy feeling for yourself? Donate to Planned Parenthood here. And if you want to donate in Mike Pence’s name, here’s his address:
And don’t worry, Pence will not be entitled to a charitable contribution deduction on his taxes if you donate.