The pop-up spaces trend is blowing up, especially in urban innovation hubs like the Bay Area and New York. One San Francisco-based startup, Storefront, is stepping in to fill what it sees as a void in the pop-up market: retail.
Storefront offers brands that are selling products on Etsy or other web portals an avenue to come offline—to create an experience for their customers.
It connects hot, local, e-commerce brands with brokers and space owners renting empty commercial spaces in neighborhoods throughout San Francisco—"the cultural hub of Northern California," according to its website—and New York City—"the capital of shopping and fashion in the U.S."
Right now the service is free, but Storefront will likely start charging as the company grows, says Tristan Pollock, one of the co-founders. Storefront launched last year and this month re-launched its website, which features photos of hundreds of available temporary retail spaces—like an AirBnb for retail.
Check out the video:
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