A super hip Catholic priest in San Antonio has been hearing confessions through a little-known phone app called SnapChat, which we hear is pretty popular with the youth these days. Father David, whose SnapChat handle is @priestDavid, says the app is ideal for recieving confessions because it protects anonymity and the confessions disappear into the digital-ether once heard and/or viewed.
"Religion needs to engage young adults, where they are and how they live," he said in a statement, according to WOAI. "I think it may help people access the church at the moment when they need it,"
But the Archbishop of San Antonio is being a total square about the whole thing, claiming that confession via SnapChat doesn’t count because it’s not in the Sacrament.
"Person to person confession is the bedrock of what the Sacrament looks like and feels like," said Deacon Pat Rodgers, a spokesperson for the Archdiscese.
Father David, who insists on remaining anonymous, will be hearing your confessions through March 16. No word from Pope Francis yet, but we’re willing to bet the downest pope the Vatican has seen in more than a century will be chill about it.