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Pop!Tech ’09: Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Use an E-Card

By the age of 25, 1 in 2 people will have an STD. One of the problems health workers face in trying to bring that number down is the fact that sex, and all the embarrassing diseases it can get you, isn't always easy to talk about.Deb Levine's organization, Isis, uses the web in a variety of clever ways to get make sure it's the information about STDs (and not the diseases themselves) that gets transmitted.Here's one example. Syphillis is on the rise in gay communities, but people are hesitant to tell their partners if they find out they have it. The Isis inSPOT project allows gay men who find out they have syphillis to send an anonymous e-card to partners telling them they might have been exposed to an STD and giving them infomation for testing resources.It's not romantic, but it works.