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Project 009: Avocado And Sprouts Sandwich

Adrienne Yancey's contribution for Project 009 is an avocado spread, tomato and sprout sandwich. Etymological surprise of the day: according to...

Adrienne Yancey's contribution for Project 009 is an avocado spread, tomato and sprout sandwich. Etymological surprise of the day: according to wikipedia "the word 'avocado' comes from the Spanish word aguacate, which derives in turn from the Nahuatl (Aztec) word ahuacatl, meaning 'testicle', because of its shape." We learned that and couldn't not mention it.

Adrienne's Bag Lunch:

Avocado spread*, tomato & sprout sandwichCarrot & Raisin Salad*Organic Gala appleRaw almonds(I reuse my brown bag and bring my own fork to cut down on waste.)Avocado spread*, tomato & sprout sandwich2 slices of multigrain baguette from La Farm Bakery (local baker)Avocado spread (recipe below)Organic Roma tomato slicesOrganic alfalfa sprouts

Avocado Spread*

1 avocado1 bunch of cilantro1 garlic clove1 yellow sweet onionDash of saltDash of pepperRed pepper flakesJuice of 1/2 lemon1. Cut and dice the garlic, onion and cilantro. (Use as much cilantro and onion as you like. Can use food processor but I like mine a little chunky.)2. Mash up one avocado in one bowl.3. Mix garlic, onion and cilantro in with the mashed avocado.4. Mix lemon juice, salt & pepper in the spread (to taste).5. Finish with a dash of red pepper flakes for a kick.

Carrot & Raisin Salad*

4 large carrots3 tbsps of olive oil1 tsp Red pepper flakes1 tsp Cumin1 tbsp Curry powder1 tsp GingerHand full of raisinsJuice of 1/2 lemonJuice of 1/4 orangeCilantro to garnish1. Shred the 4 large carrots into a bowl.2. Heat olive oil on medium heat. Toss in the red pepper flakes, cumin, curry and ginger for a few minutes. This is just to flavor the oil.3. Remove from heat and pour over carrots.4. Squeeze lemon and orange juice over carrots, add raisins and mix well.5. Garnish with cilantro.