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Project 013: What's Your Reason?

My friends and I launched Glassbooth last summer with a mission of positively impacting the 2008 elections. A Democrat, a Republican, a Libertarian, and a socialist, we had all become equally dismayed at the state of political discourse in America. Bad ideas and falsities are everywhere. Could it be..

My friends and I launched Glassbooth last summer with a mission of positively impacting the 2008 elections. A Democrat, a Republican, a Libertarian, and a socialist, we had all become equally dismayed at the state of political discourse in America. Bad ideas and falsities are everywhere. Could it be possible to use the internet to connect people's interests to real, nonbiased political information, and through that process reinvigorate civic life? At Glassbooth, our answer is yes.Glassbooth and GOOD believe in empowering the American voter. After the election in November, Americans will be subjected to endless analysis as to who voted for whom, and why. This type of demographic coverage fails to capture the nuance of people's relationships with the political process. Together, Glassbooth and GOOD ask you to submit pictures telling us why you will vote, or why you did. Keep it simple, honest, and, most importantly, personal, and good will publish your submission online and maybe evenin print. -Ian ManheimerTHE ASSIGNMENTTell us why you're voting, or why you voted.THE REQUIREMENTSA photo of yourself holding a sign with your reason on it.THE DETAILSUpdate: Project 013 is now closed. Peruse the contributions below.IN PARTNERSHIP WITHGlassbooth (


-Lexi Howard

-Cristina Lorie

-Christina Johnson

-Rev. Keisha L. Harris

-Shira Lazar


-Sky Muncaster

-Whitney Hicks

-Brandon SpenrathAshley Chaifetz helped us kick off Project 013 by asking her 12th grade students at The Beekman School in New York to contribute:

-Elisa Horn

-Edward Hammer

-Victoria Sievers

-Sophia Guaspari

-Lina Goujjane

-Lauren Parlante

-Landon Henchel

-Joyce Lam

-Genna Gottschalk

-Eric Shi