Calling all photographers—amateur or professional.
There are a million reasons for celebration in our lives, and we often do so with parties, toasts, vacations, and everything in between. To catch those happy moments—big or little —in all their glory, we need you to send us a photo of a celebration in your life.
We'll select 10 to 20 of them to create a collaborative Picture Show, made by the GOOD community. Once the Picture Show is published, the GOOD community will be invited to choose their favorite images. The winning submission will be printed in our next issue, and the photographer will get a GOOD T-shirt and a free subscription (or gift subscription).
Celebration. We celebrate on large and small scales every day, whether for the little achievements or for momentous occasions. Welcoming newborns, toasting to the weekend after a long week, enjoying a promotion, commemorating an anniversary: They’re all worth recognizing. We want to capture those moments to show the diversity of reasons we have to cheer.
Take a picture of a moment of celebration. It could be any type or scale of celebration. Include a short explanation (up to 40 words) of the significance behind the image.
Send an e-mail to projects[at]goodinc[dot]com with your photo and short explanation. It can be in any image format, but it should be high enough resolution that it can be printed at 300 dpi. We’ll take submissions now through August 16. We'll publish a Picture Show with a selection of the submissions on August 19.
Once we receive the images, we will turn to you, the GOOD community, to choose the winning submission. The winning entry will be announced on August 26, featured on our homepage, and printed in the next issue of GOOD. We’ll also send a GOOD T-shirt and a free subscription (or gift subscription) to the winner.