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Project: Take a Picture of Something Neglected that You Wish Would Be Restored

Help us create a crowdsourced Picture Show about something neglected that you wish would be restored.

Calling all photographers—amateur or professional.

In our last crowdsourced Picture Show Project, we asked you, the GOOD community, to send us images of your favorite trees. We were flooded with incredible submissions. This time around, we are asking you to send us a picture of something neglected that you wish would be restored.

Maybe it's your prized childhood stuffed animal, or maybe it's your neighborhood library. Either way, we want to take a moment to look at the overlooked.

Time can be a great remedy, like when vacationing or applying leave-in hair conditioner. But sometimes when we leave things untouched for too long, they deteriorate. In this Picture Show, we want you to help us recognize the public park, the mural, the abandoned building, the bridge, the river, the statue, or maybe the relationship that needs a little extra TLC.

Take a picture of something neglected that you wish would be restored. The image can capture an object, a living being, a piece of food–you get the idea. (Though if you're photographing something that belongs to another person, try not to be creepy.)

In the past, we have had you submit your entries via email. We are trying something new this time. Please submit your photo and short explanation (up to 40 words) on the significance of the image for you here. It can be in any image format, but it should be high enough resolution that it can be printed at 300 dpi. We’ll take submissions now through November 24. We'll publish a Picture Show with a selection of the submissions on November 26.

Once we receive the images, we will turn to you, the GOOD community, to choose the winning submission. The winning entry will be announced on December 1, featured on our homepage, and printed in the next issue of GOOD. We’ll also send a GOOD T-shirt and a free subscription (or gift subscription) to the winner.

Image (cc) from Flickr user Max Wolfe