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Project: Take a Picture of Your Local Gas Prices

We need your help. Send us a picture of how much gas costs in your neighborhood.

If you drive a car, you've probably noticed the changing price of gas. We're reaching out to you to get a sense of how much gas costs around the world. Send us your photos!

We want to know how much gas costs–everywere. Where is it most expensive? And how does it compare to prices in West Hollywood, California, where we are?

Send us a picture of the prices at your local purveyor of petroleum. And make sure to tell us where your gas station is located. City and state will do. We will compile the images and create a crowdsourced Picture Show with the results.

Please submit your photo and location where it was taken here. It can be in any image format, but it should be high enough resolution that it can be printed at 300 dpi. We’ll take submissions now through Friday, March 25. Then we'll publish a Picture Show with a selection of the submissions.

Once we receive the images, we will turn to you, the GOOD community, to choose the winning submission. The winning entry will be announced on, featured on our homepage, and printed in the next issue of GOOD. We’ll also send a GOOD T-shirt and a free subscription (or gift subscription) to the winner.

Image (cc) by Flickr user brownpau