Innovation makes the world go around, so why not crowdfund it? The best thinkers and ideamakers are the those who can make collective progress, so if we support their causes, projects, and ideas, we can be a part of bettering the future of our planet.
Maybe you don’t know what causes you care about yet, or maybe you’re still searching. Consider this a guide of the goodness you can get behind. Take a look at GOOD's curated Kickstarter page, which we'll be updating regularly, and check back every Saturday for a round up of our favorite projects from the crowdfunding world.
Four Days to Go (and almost there): A Summer Camp for the Kids of Rockaway
With the recent tornado that hit Moore, Oklahoma, it's important to think about how to rebuild not only homes, but also communities and individuals. After these art teachers of nonprofit Arts in Parts saw how healing creative projects were for the kids of Rockaway, they decided to create an affordable summer camp. By offering opportunities for kids to create not only mobiles, but also gardens, Arts in Parts lets kids explore and discover their neighborhood and teaches them how to be more conscious and engaged within it. Read more from the founders.
10 Days to Go (and so close):A Backup Generator for the Internet
For reporters on the move or social workers that are reporting back from the frontlines, this backup generator for the internet could change how we collect important data of unmapped areas and reach wider audiences. Read more from one of the developers at Kenyan tech company, Ushahidi.
17 Days to Go (and a long way off): A Mobile Creativity Classroom for Collaboration
What if we could learn more not just by traveling, but by being a part of a mobile collaborative art classroom? Art collective Concord wants to design a bus in which art projects, installations, performances and conversations can happen across cities.
21 Days to Go (and halfway there): Documenting Transit in the American West on Foot
GOOD member Owen Martel is a long distance walker. He plans on traveling 2,400 miles on foot from the Galveston Bay to Seattle, documenting transit development along the way. Read more about his plans here.
34 Days to Go (and a long way off): Empowering Women in Developing Countries to Become Journalists
Foreign correspondents are great resources and risk their lives going abroad, but what about the local women that live and work through the stories that are told online? Global Press Institute is empowering women to be journalists in their areas. Read more from founder and GOOD member Christi Hegranes.
Unlimited Time (with about $10,000 more to go): Bringing Bicycles to School Girls in Cambodia
Retention rates in Cambodian schools stay higher when the students feel safe and have the transportation to get there. Lotus Pedals offers bicycles and repair kits to school girls so that they can get to secondary school with less fear of being raped. Investing in girls this way can broaden their opportunities. Read more here. When you subscribe to GOOD's quarterly print magazine ($25 for 4 issues), you'll also receive a $25 code which you can use to fund projects on GlobalGiving. Subscribe at and use code GGIVING25.
Tell us what projects you're getting behind in the comments below. And, since it's Transportation month, let us know about any innovative projects that effectively redefine city streets or get people from point A to point B. Push progress forward, and do it for our collective good.
Click here to add crowdfunding projects you can care about to your To-Do list.
Illustration by Jessica De Jesus