Innovation makes the world go around, so why not crowdfund it? The best thinkers and ideamakers are the those that can make collective progress, so if we support their causes, projects, and ideas, we can be a part of bettering the future of our planet.
Maybe you don’t know what causes you care about yet, or maybe you’re still searching. Consider this a guide of the goodness you can get behind. Take a look at GOOD's curated Kickstarter page, which we'll be updating regularly, and check back every Saturday for a round up of our favorite projects from the crowdfunding world.
2 Days Left: LoGROcal: A Sustainable Mushroom Farm
LoGROcal is building a sustainable farm using the waste of a local brewery to provide mushrooms and vegetables to a local pizza shop. They're also creating mushroom growing kits so that you can grow your own. Support a project that will provide a service to a community and educate a wider audience. Throughout March, we'll share ideas and resources for being more conscious about our food and food systems. Join the conversation at and on our Twitter at #chewonit.
9 Days Left: Grow Jar
Everyone should grow a food plant to understand what it takes to get produce to a market. Grow Jar offers a simple hydroponic kit to grow foods like kale, peppers, or tomatoes. Support a project that makes gardening more accessible. This project is already funded, but we wanted to include it since it got some traction after we wrote about it on
9 Days Left: Rocket Mass Heaters: The DVD
Heat your home in a more sustainable way by building your own rocket mass heater. Paul Wheaton is making this possible with a four-part DVD series. His Kickstarter is already funded, but we wanted to let you know about a project that promotes energy-efficiency. Start your own conversation about energy-efficiency on
18 Days Left: GrowUp!: An Aquaponic Urban Farm for London
GrowUp! is an urban farming business utilizing aquaponics in a London parking lot to grow fresh vegetables without soil or pesticides, but rather fish poo. Support a large scale project that will start big-city conversations about how we grow our food. Read more about the project from co-founder Kate Hofman.
24 Days Left:Pedal Pops: A Gourmet Popsicle Bike Cart
Healthy fresh fruit treats for a hot day delivered in a sustainable way. Based in Richmond, VA, Pedal Pops offers an edible, gourmet, let's-cool-off experience at any community event or curbside. Support a project that brings food, bikes, and people together.
If you're not feeling hungry, remember it's important to feed your mind. Check out this Indiegogo education project we elevated on this week. It's already funded but, it's so cool we had to share. The project owner actually reached out to us on Push for Good!
4 Days Left: A Lab-on-Wheels for Science Education
An understanding of cognitive science—linguistics, psychology, and anthropology can connect a person to his or her community. This lab-on-wheels will bring lessons in cognitive science to schools and sidewalks. Help educate adults and children about how to build a better society. Learn more from founder Tyler Alterman on
Tell us what projects you're getting behind in the comments below. Push progress forward, and do it for our collective good.
IIllustration by Jessica De Jesus