Innovation makes the world go around, so why not crowdfund it? The best thinkers and ideamakers are the those who can make collective progress, so if we support their causes, projects, and ideas, we can be a part of bettering the future of our planet.
Maybe you don’t know what causes you care about yet, or maybe you’re still searching. Consider this a guide of the goodness you can get behind. Take a look at GOOD's curated Kickstarter page, which we'll be updating regularly, and check back every Saturday for a round up of our favorite projects from the crowdfunding world.
10 Days to Go:Bring Technology Into Andrew Jackson High School
Over 73 percent of students at Andrew Jackson High School in Jacksonville, Florida are on free or reduced lunches. They have little access to technology, so social studies teacher Dewitt Robinson wants to change how they learn by bringing Google Chromebooks into his classroom. Support an educational project that could prepare students for a brighter future. Read more from Robinson here.
10 Days to Go: Paine's Skatepark
Paine’s Skatepark is being redesigned so that non-skaters can participate in the skating community. Frankin's Paine's Skatepark Fund will go to programs that will teach youth about skateboarding techniques, health, and fitness, as well as urban planning, civic literacy, and leadership. Support an education and design project that will improve a part of Philadelphia's civic culture in a holistic way.
17 Days to Go:Hoophouse for City Schoolyard Garden
Buford Middle School in Charlottesville, Virginia is planning on building a hoophouse to be able to continue their gardening program during the winter. Support an educational program that will also help grow seedlings for their community.
24 Days to Go: Honeybee Mobile Farmer's Market
This will be the first mobile farmer's market in the Twin Cities of St. Paul, Minnesota to bring fresh, sustainable food from local artisans and farmers to community members who may not have the time or access to find fresh, healthy food in their neighborhoods. Support a project that could help those living in food deserts.
25 Days to Go: TrafficCom
The TrafficCOM is a small, portable, low-cost device anyone can use to measure traffic. It can be plugged into any computer, so any advocacy group or urban planner can use it to prove why better bike lanes should be built. Read more about it on the Transportation hub.
Here's a success story that wouldn't hurt to add a little crowdfunding to:
11 Days to Go: Visualizing Pi: Mural with Math Students
Students from Green School are revitalizing their neighborhood in Williamsburg, New York with murals of data they've collected. In this project, they're visualizing Pi to cover up graffiti. Read more from teacher and artist Ellie Balk.
Tell us what projects you're getting behind in the comments below. Push progress forward, and do it for our collective good.
Click here to add crowdfunding projects you can care about to your To-Do list.
Illustration by Jessica De Jesus