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Push for Good: This Week's Guide to Crowdsourcing Creative Progress

With our Push for Good series, we have identified crowdfunding opportunities for the GOOD community to get behind. Now we are also shining a...

With our Push for Good series, we have identified crowdfunding opportunities for the GOOD community to get behind. Now we are also shining a light on crowd-doing opportunities—so you can join others in working towards the greater good with actions as well as donations. Here's our weekly round-up of our favorite projects from the crowdsourced world.

Crowdsourced Answers

Write Part of a Play for cARTel Arts

Last week, we asked you to write three positive words that described your Monday at work for GOOD member Jonny Miller's poster project. This week, we're asking you to write about the five things that make you happy, including food, relationships, guilty pleasures, and something about your family. Why? Your answers will be featured in a play by Los Angeles-based art group cARTel. Read more from cARTel founder, Negin Singh.

Crowdsourced Activity

Rappel Off a Building for Autism Speaks

GOOD member Philip Hain is asking you to come to the Los Angeles Renaissance Hotel at 9620 Airport Blvd on Saturday, July 27, between 9:30 a.m. and 5p.m. to join other people passionate about autism test their fear and endurance while rappelling off the side of the hotel. Sounds terrifying, but Autism Speaks is offering free massages and a trained guide to help you along the way. Click here to say you'll DO it.

Crowdsourced Map

Reclaim 'Trash' in Your Neighborhood

See those shelves? They were made out of wood that was discarded on the side of the road in Toronto. Someone on crowdsourced database Trashswag posted a picture of the wood, and someone else picked it up. Join Trashswag to become a part of the reclamation movement, and add your city to their site. Don't leave discarded furniture behind. Click here to say you'll DO it. Read more from founder and GOOD member Gavin Cameron.

Crowdsourced Design

Design Hollywood's Central Park

Have you ever thought of becoming an urban planner? Here's your chance. GOOD member Shauna Nepp told us about this really cool crowdsourced design project that may create a better Hollywood. I tried some designing and so far, I've added a bunch of fountains, seating, community gardens, a library, two playgrounds, a dog park, and a recreation center. Is it too busy? What do you think? How would you design Hollywood's Central Park? Click here to tell us.

Crowdsourced Research

Test Your Subconscious for Harvard Researchers

GOOD member Hank Knaack let us know about this fascinating Harvard study that you can take part in. Researchers want to know about your bias by testing your subconscious. Learn what your true feelings are about race, gender, weight, ethnicity, and sexuality. Click here to say you'll DO it.

Crowdsourced Signatures

Open a Civil Rights Case

George Zimmerman's aquittal has inspired protests across America this week. If you want to demand justice for Trayvon Martin, tell Attorney General Eric Holder to Open a Civil rights case against Zimmerman. Click here to say you'll DO it.


(6 Days to Go and Getting There)Expand Black Girls CODE to Other Cities

Only three percent of black women are in the computer science field. Black Girls CODE teaches girls how to innovate and be a part of tech culture. Read more from founder and GOOD member Kimberly Bryant. Support the program and click here to put it on your To-Do list.

(17 Days to Go and Almost There)Transform the Lives of Low-Income Youth by Supporting a Skateboarding Nonprofit

In New York, the Harold Hunter Foundation is offering mentoring, exercise, as well as career and skill training through skateboarding. Read more from Executive Director and GOOD member Jessica Forsyth. Click here to say you'll DO it.

(26 Days to Go and a Third Way There) Help Tell the Story of How the Drug Trade Affects Honduran Culture

This documentary will educate people about how drug cartel violence has affected Honduran culture and music, through the eyes of a narco-rachera band. Read more from filmmaker and GOOD member Ted Griswold here.

Click hereto add crowdsourced projects you can care about to your To-Do list.

Illustration by Jessica De Jesus