Sometimes you’re like, “I want my daughter to participate in sisterhood-building activities BUT ALSO get her revolutionary education at the same time.” And that’s what the Radical Brownies are here for. The Brownies are an Oakland-based girls’ troop that’s here to educate you on LGBTQ rights, police accountability, and anti-racist activism but don’t ask them to sell you any cookies. Their place is firmly in the struggle, ya hear?
“There aren’t enough spaces [for young girls of color] in our society,” co-founder Anayvette Martinez told Fusion.
The group is currently comprised of 12 girls between the ages of eight and 12. If you’re ever around Oakland, you might spot them marching in brown vests and berets alongside Black Lives Matter protesters. The girls, in fact, earned a badge called “Black Lives Matter” for attending a march against police violence. They can also earn a “Radical Beauty” badge for participating in a workshop on eliminating mainstream definitions of beauty, or a “LGBTQ Ally” badge. The group’s founders hope to expand the program nationwide, and they’ll be launching a Facebook fundraising campaign to collect donations for a banner and megaphone.