A new advocacy group called railLA has formed to mobilize popular (and business) support to make sure we get a modern high-speed rail system in California with a hub at Los Angeles's Union Station. One of their first projects is to simply get people excited by illustrating what a future with HSR would look like, and they've issued a call for ideas from architects, planners, and designers:
Submissions are not meant to be technical studies or expert designs. Rather they should focus on appealing to citizens on a practical, emotional and social level. Furthermore, submissions should show how future citizens of a transit enabled Southern California – or specifically Los Angeles – will experience and enjoy their typical day. The primary goal of this Call is to show how rail can help us recapture our individual American dream.
The submissions will be part of a kickoff exhibition in Los Angeles and will also be distrubited to other venues. All the details are at the railLA site.
Image: The Union Station plan