According to MADD, drunk drivers kill over 10,000 Americans a year. Additionally, three in ten people will be involved in an alcohol-related collision at some point in their lives. For those that drive drunk and are caught before hurting anyone, a conviction can run up to $24,0000 for the first offense. In order to get people to think before they get behind the wheel, a new campaign by We Save Lives is warning drinkers about the dangers of drunk driving while they’re still in the bar.
We Save Lives’ new anti-drunk driving campaign put people at a Los Angeles-area bar face to face with a convicted drunk driver. The video features bar patrons walking into a restroom, looking into the mirror and seeing the reflection of a Florida inmate instead of themselves. The person staring back at them is Kris Caudilla, a convicted drunk driver currently serving 15 years for vehicular manslaughter after killing a father of four. The patrons are stunned for a moment, until they hear Caudilla’s message and rethink how they’re getting home that night.
“We hope this message hits home in a relevant way and gives people the courage to intervene when they know someone is about to drive drunk,” Candace Lightner, founder of We Save Lives, said in a statement. “Someone who thinks this will never happen to them, I’d say ‘think twice about it,’” Caudilla says. “I was in that same boat. I thought I was invincible and it eventually caught up to me.”
Here are some easy ways you and your friends can drink responsibly courtesy of We Save Lives:
– Offer to be a designated driver
– Keep someone overnight if they drink too much at your party or call them a taxi
– Never serve alcohol to underage guests
– Tweet all your followers that you will not ride with anyone who has been drinking
– Post on Facebook the local cab company’s number for your friends with a message that says “I care and want you to make it home safely: Please call a cab if you go out drinking!”