Doctors Without Borders gets a lot of attention, but the lesser-known, similarly-named, non-profit Télécoms Sans Frontières is doing some valuable work for refugees of wars or natural disasters: letting them make phone calls. A contact at the U.N. Foundation just sent me this video from TSF's tent in a Ugandan camp and explained:"In Ugandan refugee camps without telephones, or even electricity, TSF is providing free, three-minute phone calls to reconnect loved ones separated while fleeing the recent violence in the war-torn Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)."[youtube] TSF's work is funded in large part by Vodafone, the global telecoms giant that owns a 45% stake in Verizon here in America. Here's more about their work in Uganda.UPDATE: Just to be clear, it's The Vodafone Foundation, the corporation's charitable arm, that supports TSF (along with the U.N. Foundation).
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