The people behind this must feel VERY threatened by civil activism
As most logical people know, there’s a vast difference between a riot and a protest. Unfortunately, though, the two words are often conflated and appropriated by politicians to turn activists and dissenters into dangerous, lawless criminals.
It’s so commonplace to call those exercising their first amendment rights looters, hooligans, rioters, and the like that it’s hard not to see this jarring monstrosity from Bozena Security Systems as a tool at the disposal of oligarchs, dictators, and thin-skinned leaders rather than as strictly a device used to curb unlawful behavior.
It’s called the Bozena Riot, and while technologically impressive (and fascinating), it’s evocative of dystopian near future films like Hunger Games, Children of Men, and The Purge far more than it is of its stated purpose, which, as the name suggests, is stopping or quelling riots.
[iframe position="standard" ratio="0.5625" url=",fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/cvvjlnngs9g8yutfkttz.gif"]
In case the point isn’t driven home with that demonstration, the company tossed in a dozen or so faceless armed men to remove all doubt that anyone in this vehicle’s path is surely in harm’s way.
[iframe position="standard" ratio="0.5625" url=",fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/ceorqqck77472laemete.gif"]
The word “POLICE” brandished repeatedly on the moving wall further blurs the line between the role of a city’s police department and a fully-armed military unit.
Riots do happen, with alarming frequency, and this ingenious device would no doubt be a powerful weapon in the fight to end them quickly. But just as biased reports intentionally confuse “riot” and “protest,” so too could an authority figure who puts this intimidating juggernaut into action for all the wrong reasons.
Here’s a list of “accessories,” taken straight from the vehicle’s website:
Is your skin crawling yet?