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Pranksters Hand Out Russian ‘Trump’ Flags At Conservative Conference

Organizers scrambled to confiscate them as quickly as possible

If Republicans are going to support Donald Trump, they should admit to themselves they are also supporting Vladimir Putin and Russia as well. Recent reports show the Trump administration is looking to remove punitive sanctions placed on the country by the Obama administration and allow it to control Crimea. Crimea is a peninsula in southern Ukraine rich in oil and natural gas which was seized by Russia in 2014.

At best, the Trump administration is trying to create a friendlier relationship Vladimir Putin because, as Trump says, “When you think about it, wouldn’t it be nice if we got along with Russia?” However, the Trump-Russia relationship is currently being investigated by multiple intelligence agencies in the U.S. and abroad for the following, more sinister reasons:

A.) Trump is being blackmailed by Russia
B.) Trump is paying Russia back for interfering in the 2016 elections to help him defeat Hillary Clinton
C.) Trump is compensating Russia for helping bankroll his businesses after going bankrupt
D.) High-ranking people in the Trump administration have long ties to Russia and are pushing a pro-Putin agenda
E.) Any combination of A,B,C,D or E

To help Republicans get comfy with their newfound comrades, some pranksters handed out mini Russian flags with “TRUMP” emblazoned on them at CPAC on Friday. The flags were given out at the annual gathering of conservatives in anticipation of Trump’s speech. After images of happy, Russian flag-waving Republicans began popping up on social media, CPAC staffers confiscated them from them from attendees.

According to social media reports, the prank was orchestrated by this guy:

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