Yesterday afternoon, at the urging of a young fan's petition on Change.org, the San Francisco Giants put out an "It Gets Better" video. It comes on the heels of a months-long campaign to get celebrities to speak out against anti-gay bullying, but this is the first professional sports team to make a move. The Giants' video has spawned pleas for the Yankees, the Red Sox, and other sports teams to follow suit.
This is pretty major. Professional baseball has to be one of the most mainstream, all-American avenues to fight homophobia. Everyone knows that if you ask little kids what they want to be when they grow up, there's a good chance you'll hear "NBA player" or "star quarterback." And if that kid is gay, they'll feel that much better in their own skin if their heroes are telling them it's okay.
Professional sports seems to be getting the memo that homophobia isn't cool. Now all we have to wait for is a major sports star to come out as gay.