When White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci called New Yorker journalist Ryan Lizza on Wednesday evening, Lizza couldn’t have known the interview would be as entertaining as it was horrifying. As of Friday, Scaramucci has held the new position for exactly one week. In that time, he’s managed to spew some of the most outrageous quotes American politics has ever seen – and that’s saying something in the context of the Trump administration.
By chatting with Lizza, Scaramucci (who refers to himself in the third-person as “the Mooch”) hoped to find out who leaked information about President Trump’s dinner with former Fox News executive Bill Shine and Fox News host Sean Hannity. Despite Lizza politely declining to reveal who leaked the information (because, duh, he’s a journalist), Scaramucci continued to pester him while also threatening to fire the entire White House communications staff, throwing shade at White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, and give a graphic mental picture of Trump strategist Steve Bannon in the process.
Naturally, “The Daily Show” turned those quotes into pure gold: motivational posters to last the ages. Check out a few of the best ones below to decide which one should hang next to your Classic Cats wall calendar.