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Science Fiction Movies And Fictitious Science

In space, no one can hear you scream. There's no sound in a vacuum. But you wouldn't know it by watching science fiction movies. The fun...

In space, no one can hear you scream. There's no sound in a vacuum. But you wouldn't know it by watching science fiction movies.The fun report card below grades various science fiction movies (including Enemy Mine, the Alien movies, and Stargate) on whether they get the scientific facts right. Arthur C. Clarke and Carl Sagan emerge with dignity intact; 2001: A Space Odyssey and Contact get decent grades. Two other movies ace the test.Asking whether the Star Wars movies are realistic kind of misses the point. With those, suspension of disbelief is part of the deal. But movies like Armageddon or Deep Impact-which do pretend to be plausible-casually disregard science, and probably leave people misinformed. Do movies have an obligation to take science more seriously? has the report card. Via BoingBoing.