Seattle, one of the rainiest cities in the United States, could use some cheer. The gray city of grunge recently turned one of its most well-known handicaps into an attraction with Rainworks, a series of street art pieces that appear only when wet. Created with what functions as a sort of invisible ink made from a biodegradable, environmentally friendly, water-repellant coating, images ranging from a computer error code to a faucet have been stenciled onto the city’s sidewalks. Once it rains, and the concrete gets soaked, the stenciled work “magically” stays dry—and the images make their presence known. According to CityLab, the project was spearheaded by local magician Peregrine Church who, along with friends Xack Fischer and Forest Tressider, has painted 25 to 30 of these “rainworks” around the city (you can view a full map here). Church hopes that the pictures will help bring a little joy to the weather-embattled city, which saw more than 48 inches of rain last year.
Seattle Public Art Project Only Appears When It Rains...
...So, basically all the time.
By Laura FeinsteinMar 30, 2015
Laura Feinstein
Current Deputy Editor at GOOD, Laura Feinstein writes about the intersection where art, technology, and global culture meet. Former Editor in Chief at The Creators Project at VICE, and a freelance writer for such diverse publications as The Guardian, T/The New York Times, VICE International, BOMB Magazine,, Pitchfork/Nothing Major, and Details Magazine (among others), Laura is always on the lookout for the new and unboring.