30 Days of GOOD (#30DaysofGOOD) is our monthly attempt to live better. This month we're focused on improving the way we use technology.
Welcome to September's 30 Days of GOOD challenge, which we're calling "Digital Makeover." This month, we're going to focus on improving the way we use technology. We'll pay more attention to how we spend our time online. We'll explore tips and tricks for becoming more knowledgeable about the gadgets we use each day. We'll make a point to do things we know we should do (but have had a tough time getting around to), like backing up our computer's data and taking steps to better secure our smartphones against theft.
As usual, we'll invite guests and partners to contribute posts. We'll also ask you, the GOOD community, to offer your ideas and to tell us about your personal experiences with technology.
If you've participated in 30 Days of GOOD before, we're glad you're joining us again for the fun. And if you're new to our monthly challenges, we're excited to have you on board. Please sign up for the email newsletter below, and check in here at GOOD.is each weekday this month, where we'll offer tasks, projects, and links to resources. Also be sure to connect us with on Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr, where we'll use the hashtag #30DaysofGOOD for updates.
To kick things off, a reading assignment. Back in June, a writer and University of Maryland grad student named Nathan Jurgenson published a provocative piece in The New Inquiry called "The IRL Fetish." The essay explores what Jurgenson sees as our romanticization of the offline world and criticizes our obsession with "logging off" as a way of cultivating a better, healthier relationship with the world. Please read it and share your opinions about in the comments section of this post.